The best time to look for mushrooms (champignons) in the wild depends on the location of the forest, the weather, and the picker’s skill. If you live in a wooded area or near a field, then you know that mushrooms in nature grow quickly and easily.
But again, make sure you are familiar with all the types of mushrooms that grow in your area, what they do and what they look like. There are many types of mushrooms, including those that contain psilocybin, for confident pickers looking for psychoactive mushrooms, 22 different psilocybin mushrooms are grown in Canada, each thriving in different regions and growing conditions.
Foraging for Magic Mushrooms in Canada
You can often find psychedelic mushrooms throughout North America, especially on the West Coast, the northeastern part of the continent, and around wet forested areas. In nature, they are found in a small area on the west coast of Canada. In addition, they are abundant in the various grasslands of Newfoundland and rural Nova Scotia.
Foraging for psychedelic mushrooms is legal and a great way to spend a day in the forest.
These mushrooms underlie the magical truffle hideouts popular in the Netherlands. These mushrooms are commonly known as wavy caps because they have large wavy caps.
The cost of foraging varies greatly, but it’s easy to find out how much shrooms cost from shroom prices at dispensaries.
What Shrooms Can You Find?
Wild mushrooms in Canada grow in various colours, including orange. Wild mushrooms in Canada grow in multiple colours, including blue. Many of these are edible, the most famous being the white mushroom (B. edulis) with a brown cap and thick stem.
Although not a Psilocybe species, they are among the highest-potency psychedelic mushrooms. They have low to moderate psilocybin activity and are preferred by people looking for a short psychedelic trip. These psilocybes are best found on the edges of forests or trails, and their spores often hitchhike on the boots and clothes of mushroom pickers. White mushrooms and their relatives are fleshy mushrooms that grow in woodlands, forests, and roadsides.
The climate is important; for example, in the Northwest Territories, it may be too cold and dry for many to grow.
Some mushrooms, including several poisonous species, have a cupped structure called a volva at the base of the stem and warty spots on the cap. A typical mushroom has a stalk called a stalk that supports the cap. The main body of the fungus is the mycelium, which lives underground in the substrate.
This characteristic fungus belongs to the “ink caps” genus because, after maturation, the spore-containing caps and gills decompose into a black, inky liquid. However, when young, the shaggy mane is an edible species that usually grows after heavy rain. Mushrooms grow in various habitats, and magic mushrooms are most commonly found in dungeons, grasslands, woodlands, gardens, and disturbed areas.
Well-known temperate species include P. semilanceata (Liberty caps), P. ovoideocystidiata, Psilocybe caerulipes (Blue Foot mushroom) and the Australian P. alutacea (Poo Meanie). This species also grows well in humid central Florida and Highland and Alachua counties. Psilocybe cyanescens, commonly known as Wavy Cap, is the most frequently observed psilocybin mushroom among iNaturalist users.
South and east Texas grasslands are also good places to hunt psychoactive mushrooms. Also, the forests of the west coast of British Columbia and the eastern hardwood forests of Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes are great places to pick mushrooms, especially in the fall. Chanterelles are among the most popular wild mushrooms harvested and sold commercially in many parts of Canada.
Another common mushroom is the meadow mushroom (Agaricus campestris), which grows in lawns and can be found in the faerie ring archway. After good rains in spring and summer, the mushroom is ripe for harvest. Finally, psilocybe semilanceata, or magic mushrooms as they are more commonly known, is a type of mushroom that grows around Newfoundland during the colder periods of the year, most commonly during the first frosts of the winter season.
What to Look For:
Are caps or stems more potent? It’s relatively negligible, so it’s best to look for particular strains.
Liberty caps, or Psilocybe semilanceata, are among the best-known and most popular magic mushroom species in the Pacific Northwest. Although usually small in stature, Liberty caps are one of the most potent types of psychedelic mushrooms. These slender, bell-capped stems with dark nipples are saprobic species most commonly found in wet grasslands, sometimes close to animal dung.
This magic mushroom produces psilocybin-containing truffles; for this reason, they are often referred to as psilocybin truffles. The common hallucinogenic mushroom (Psilocybe cubensis) contains a substance called psilocybin; it is found in about 200 species of mushrooms. The North American species of Psilocybe, also known as the “magic mushroom,” is a psychedelic version that takes you on a spiritual journey.
Psilocybe is the most common genus of psychoactive mushrooms, with over 200 species growing on every continent. Global distribution of psychoactive species of Psilocybe fungi via Wikimedia Commons. If you want to dive deeper into the psilocybe genre, Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World (Paul Stametz), The Psilocybe Genus (Gaston Guzman), and Magic Mushrooms Around the World (Jochen Hartz) are good places to start. Please note that we here at Mushroomsite are not experts on hallucinogenic mushrooms (we live in New England, and there aren’t many of them growing here), so we can’t help you identify these mushrooms other than the information we’ll provide in this article.
However, magic mushrooms are becoming increasingly common, and every picker should know where they grow and what they look like. But mushroom pickers must learn about safe and best practices because of the danger posed by poisonous mushrooms.
Additionally, psilocybin-containing mushrooms are illegal in many areas, and owners are subject to severe penalties. So, especially if you live in a big city, there’s a good chance that most of the magic mushrooms you come into contact with are grown under artificial conditions indoors and may have names like B+, Penis Envy, Golden Teacher, or even just… “.” (aka Psilocybe cubensis). Mushroom hunting, also known as mushroom hunting, is a centuries-old practice, and even today, people are often seen hunting for their favourite edible mushrooms in urban areas. Or, more formally, mushroom picking is an ancient practice, and even today, in urban areas, you can often see people looking for good food.
Best Time of Year to Forage for Shrooms
While mushroom hunting may seem like a great way to spend the spring, it can also be dangerous if you’re new to hunting. Often used for culinary purposes, mushroom picking is a popular pastime in temperate regions of the United States and Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan, Korea, and parts of the Middle East and Indian subcontinent. It offers people the chance to immerse themselves in nature and maybe spot some magic mushrooms along the way.
Check with your local gathering group or online resource for specifics on identifying local edible mushroom species and the times of the year when a walk in the woods can bring a good harvest.
Ontario Nature also has online resources for people interested in learning about common edible species in northwestern Ontario, including plants and fungi. This article will discuss key points, such as how to determine the best climate in your area for picking mushrooms, ways to find out which magic mushrooms grow in your area, and tips on where to look.

Magic Mushrooms the Grow in Canada
If you didn’t know already, we are The Fun Guys specializing in fungi. But before all this, we are and still are just a small group of friends that like to trip out on shrooms.
The magic of mushrooms is terrific, and we believe the joy should be shared with the world.
Liberty Caps
If you’re in Canada, you will probably be taking Liberty Cap mushrooms. They are the little ones that have a kind of nipple-shaped cap. Usually, they are pretty dark brown when fresh, but they can vary in colour.
They are sometimes white if they contain a high level of Psilocybin, which is one of the main reasons for the psychoactive effects. Some Liberty Caps will also have a bluish colour from bruises. This is a kind of dephosphorylation and an increase in the concentration of Psilocybin in the mushroom.
If you are out hunting for liberty caps, we highly recommend bringing someone knowledgeable about fungi. Unfortunately, mistaken identification of fungi could be hazardous, as many are poisonous.
If you do not have someone with experience in foraging mushrooms, that is not a problem!
There are many communities online that can help you identify the mushrooms! First, take a couple of pictures of the mushrooms. Then, note its traits, general location, and details about the mushrooms’ spot.
The mushroom communities online are pretty friendly, and many people are active. Most of the time, you can probably get what you found identified within a day.
You can find everything in the resources section if you want to know more about these forums. In addition, we created an extensive list of links we thought would be helpful to everyone.
You can find a lot of info on harm reduction there as well. It’s still a work in progress, but there are quite a few tidbits there that everyone should read at least once–especially if you are about to try magic mushrooms for the first time.
You can find the link below. Check it out!
The Magic Mushroom Safety Manual
Recently, psychedelic drugs, in general, have been gaining a lot of popularity, but it is still magic mushrooms that people are most interested in. With that being the case, we just wanted to advise people to try magic mushrooms first.
Although psilocybin is considered a non-toxic substance and is also known as the least harmful recreational drug, we still advocate safety first, and we highly recommend microdosing magic mushrooms.
How to Micro-Dose Magic Mushrooms Properly
Because microdosing provides easy control over dosages, dramatically reducing the risks of complications. At the same time, the experience can be better controlled by slowly increasing or decreasing each dosage for the desired effects. Learn more about how to microdose shrooms.
How long does it take for the effects of shrooms to peak after consumption? How long does it take for the effects of psilocybin to kick in? What is the proper dosage?
These are probably the main questions that brought you here, and I’m sorry to tell you, but it is generally different for everyone.
So, how do you get the correct dosage of shrooms?
It is not as straightforward as most people think. As you know, everyone is different. People digest things differently. Some fast, some slow. Some people have a high tolerance; some almost have no patience.
This is why we again recommend and advocate micro-dosing only.
Generally, people start feeling the effects about 30 minutes after consumption. For some, it would kick in even before that, but some take over an hour for the effects to appear.
If you took some shrooms and noticed everyone around is already tripping out and you are the only one still normal–do not take more! Your body probably takes more time to digest and absorb the shrooms.
The most common mistake people make when doing shrooms for the first time is taking more when they don’t feel anything. Even if it has been an hour or an hour and a half, do not take more!
Drink some more water and give it a bit more time.
Whatever you do, do not take more!
Sit, relax, and soon you will also be in on the fun!
If you really can’t help the urge to take more, wait for 2 hours to pass and only increase your dose by a small amount!
Remember, your safety is the most important!
Effects of Psilocybin
If you plan on doing mushrooms, picking a good day is essential!
Generally, I don’t recommend you do mushrooms on a day you need to work or study. Maybe it would help if your job requires a creative mind, but this is probably not a good idea for the general person.
You should consider how long the effects of shrooms last on your schedule, as well as the time it takes to recover and function correctly for your weekly routine.
It may differ from person to person, but the effects of shrooms generally peak at around two and a half hours. From there, everything will start calming down and wear off about four to five hours later.
Some people will still feel some subtle effects until they sleep it off. What people experience also varies from person to person. This is also why we do not recommend anyone drive on a day they do shrooms.
You can find more information about this topic in our resources section through the link below.
Even if you believe you are fine and the effects have worn off completely, please take this precaution seriously, as your well-being is worth any inconvenience.
Plan your trip!
Dear TFG,
I have written a book on ayahuasca that is about to be published, and in the final chapter about other psychotropic plants, I have mentioned psilocybin mushrooms. I would, of possible, like to use the picture of mushrooms from this article. Would this be possible? I will definitely reference the source. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
All the best,
Christian Funder
Yes, go ahead we support everyone that is trying to further the study of psychedelics.