How Long Can Shrooms Stay in Your System?

Psychedelic mushrooms have been used for centuries for their therapeutic and spiritual properties. However, they can also have some unwanted side effects, such as lingering in your system for an extended period. So, how long can shrooms stay in your system?

Magic mushrooms are a popular recreational drug, and while they’re not considered addictive, they can have lasting effects on the body. Understanding the duration of the drug’s effects is essential for those who are considering using it or have already used it.

The length of time that shrooms stay in your system depends on various factors, such as the dosage, frequency of use, and the individual’s metabolism. However, the effects of the drug usually last for several hours, and the metabolites can remain in your system for days, even weeks. This article will explore how long shrooms stay in your system and what factors can affect their duration.

Key Takeaways:

  • Shrooms can be detected in saliva for 4-6 hours.
  • Psilocybin metabolites stay in your system for up to 5 days
  • Blood and urine tests have similar results for detection windows (3-5 days).
  • The length of time psilocybin stays in your system depends mainly on dosage and metabolism.
  • Magic mushrooms are detectable in your hair for the longest.

How Long Will Psilocybin be in Your System?

Shrooms or magic mushrooms produce altered states of consciousness, with effects lasting from a few hours to several days, depending on the amount taken and individual sensitivity.

But the length of time that shrooms stay in your system is much longer and depends on several factors.

First, the type of mushroom consumed can vary in its potency and effects. The most potent species, such as psilocybin cubensis, will have a longer duration than weaker varieties.

Second, the amount taken also affects how long the effects last; a larger dose will result in a longer duration of effects.

Finally, the individual’s metabolism can impact how long shrooms stay in their system.

How the body processes shrooms

When consumed by an individual, psilocybin, the active ingredient in mushrooms, undergoes metabolism in the liver and is subsequently transformed into metabolites. These metabolites are eventually expelled through urine or feces.

Different factors, including dosage, metabolic rate, and hydration levels, influence the duration of shrooms in one’s system.

The detection window for shrooms in urine or saliva tests is typically 4 to 6 hours. However, when ingested in shrooms, these compounds can be detectable in urine for up to 5 days. 

Metabolism of shrooms

When ingested, these substances are broken down by the body and metabolized into other chemicals. The metabolites of shrooms can stay in the system for up to 15 hours, depending on the individual’s metabolic rate.

Elimination of psilocybin from the body

The effects of shrooms are typically felt 15-30 minutes after ingestion, but they can last up to 6 hours.

How long shrooms stay in your system depends on various factors, including dosage and frequency of use. Generally, the effects of shrooms can remain in your system for 1-3 days, although traces of psilocybin may be detectable for up to two weeks.

Factors that affect how long shrooms stay in your system

Dosage and frequency of use

The time shrooms (psilocybin mushrooms) can remain in your system depends on several factors, including dosage and frequency of use.

Generally speaking, the higher the dose and more frequent the use, the longer shrooms stay in your system.

Method of ingestion

The method of ingestion can play a significant role in how long shrooms stay in your system. Generally, shrooms are ingested orally by eating them raw or drinking tea made from dried mushrooms.

For most people, ingesting shrooms means the substances will stay in their system for 5-10 hours. 

Body weight and metabolism

Body weight and metabolism can significantly affect how long shrooms stay in your system.

Generally, the more body fat you have, the longer shrooms will remain in your system. This is because fat cells can store drugs like shrooms for more extended periods than lean muscle mass.

Additionally, people with faster metabolisms tend to eliminate substances from their bodies more quickly than those with slower metabolisms.

Age and gender

Age and gender can also affect how long shrooms stay in your system. Generally, older people tend to have slower metabolisms and may take longer to eliminate shrooms from their bodies.

Similarly, women may have more difficulty getting rid of shrooms than men due to differences in body chemistry.

Health condition

Mushrooms have long been used for their medicinal properties, and many people enjoy them as a food source. However, consuming mushrooms can cause various health issues, and understanding how long they remain in the body is essential.

The time that mushrooms stay in your system depends on the type you consume and how much you take. 

Detection methods for shrooms

Blood tests

Blood tests are one of the most common ways to detect if someone has taken mushrooms in their system.

Depending on the type of test, they can detect whether psilocybin, the active ingredient in mushrooms, is present up to three days after ingestion.

However, it’s important to note that these tests are only practical if the user has ingested many mushrooms. 

Urine tests

Urine tests are one of the most commonly used methods for detecting psilocybin (the active ingredient in shrooms) in your system.

Psilocybin is metabolized into a compound called psilocin and is excreted in the urine within 72 hours after ingestion. Therefore, it’s possible that traces of psilocybin could be detected in urine.

Hair tests

Hair tests often detect drugs in a person’s system, including shrooms.

Hair tests can detect the presence of drugs for much longer than urine or blood tests and can see shrooms up to 90 days after ingestion.

It is because trace amounts of ingested substances from shrooms like psilocin and other metabolites remain in hair follicles for long periods and can be detected as long as you still have the hair you had, since drug metabolites remain in the hair as it grows, which occurs at a rate of about one-half inch each month.

How long will magic mushrooms stay in different parts of the body?

In the blood

Shrooms can stay in the blood for up to 3 days after ingestion.

In the urine

Shrooms can stay in the urine for up to 72 hours after ingestion.

In the hair

Shrooms can remain in the hair follicles for up to 90 days after ingestion.

Risks associated with using shrooms

Short-term risks

The short-term risks associated with consuming mushrooms are mainly psychological.

While the effects of psychedelic mushrooms vary from person to person, they can cause hallucinations, altered emotions and feelings, distorted perception of time and space, and changes in thought processes.

Depending on the type and amount of mushroom consumed, these effects can last between 4 and 6 hours.

Long-term risks

The long-term risks associated with shrooms can be severe and should not be taken lightly.

While the effects of consuming shrooms are usually short-term, their chemicals can stay in your body much longer than expected.

This means that the potential risks associated with their use can last beyond the immediate physical and psychological effects.

Risks of addiction and abuse

Psilocybin has a long history of use in both spiritual and medicinal contexts for centuries.

The use of mushrooms for their hallucinogenic effects has become more common. Although some individuals find the experience enjoyable, addiction and abuse are risks.


The amount of time psilocybin mushrooms can stay in your system varies. It depends on factors such as the drug test and the person’s metabolism.

Usually, psilocybin can be detected in urine for up to five days, sometimes up to eight. The potency and type of shrooms consumed also affect how long they stay in your system.

Traces of psilocybin can be detected in blood and urine for up to 14 hours, but this doesn’t mean all the drugs have left the body.

Knowing their effects and duration on the body is essential to use shrooms safely. In addition, shrooms are naturally occurring hallucinogenic fungi that can cause hallucinations and 

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