Category Archives: Shrooms

Can You Put Shrooms Up Your Ass for a Better Trip?

Although this may seem like an odd question, it’s totally understandable. First of all, we don’t recommend putting shrooms in your ass. You should just stick with lemon tek as a better way to get enhanced effects. But, if you are considering “boofing” the shrooms so you can get high, technically, it could work. You […]

Best Movies To Watch On Mushrooms

Watching something while using psychedelic mushrooms can be the perfect pairing. When tripping, films can inspire you and capture your interest. These effects could influence the entire mood of your psychedelic experience. Some shows are probably not great for tripping—like the horror genre. Other types offer an effective combination of visual and audio stimulation, making […]

What are Other Names for Magic Mushrooms?

Shrooms are slang for magic mushrooms, but how many different names for Psilocybin are out there? First of all, let’s make sure magic mushrooms and Psilocybin are understood; Psilocybin (4-phosphoryloxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine) and psilocin are chemical compounds obtained from certain types of dried or fresh hallucinogenic mushrooms found in Mexico, South America and the southern and […]

Magic mushrooms and blood pressure: Effects and Considerations

Many medical studies have addressed hypertension prevention, treatment and management in recent decades. In addition, studies have also re-emerged on the treatment effects of psychedelics, but the effects of psychedelics on hypertension remain relatively insignificant. However, this new study suggests that classic psychedelic use can cause lowered hypertension rates during life. Exemptions under subsection 56(1) […]

Is Ayahuasca Legal In Canada?

Ayahuasca has become increasingly popular among Westerners who seek spiritual enlightenment. It’s also becoming increasingly illegal in many countries around the world. In this article, we will explore whether ayahuasca is legal in Canada. We will also examine how ayahuasca fits into Canadian drug laws. Ayahuasca is a powerful psychedelic brew made from the Amazonian […]

Are Mushrooms Legal in Canada?

Are Mushrooms Legal in Canada? 2

For years, it’s always been debated whether to legalize natural drugs such as cannabis and magic mushrooms in Canada. However, recent studies have highlighted the significance of psilocybin as medically applicable against many illnesses, and more than ever, people are searching for natural alternatives. Initial clinical trials have shown promising results in treating various mental […]

5 Gram Shroom Trip – What to Expect

Consuming 5 grams of mushrooms can lead to a new heightened understanding and expanded consciousness. Before you ingest mushrooms for a psychedelic experience, there are some necessary details to be aware of. In conclusion, this article will provide tips for maintaining safety and control during the psilocybin journey. Therefore, take a moment to prepare yourself […]