How to Store Magic Mushrooms

For those who use magic mushrooms, it is essential to know how to store them correctly to maintain their potency and quality, regardless of experience level. Psilocybin mushrooms, commonly called magic mushrooms, contain a potent psychedelic compound that can result in intense and profound experiences.

But properly storing magic mushrooms is crucial to maintain their potency and prevent spoilage of their magical compounds. Improper storage reduces the effects of the mushrooms and can potentially result in an unpleasant experience.

Correct storage techniques ensure the potency remains intact and prevent contamination from harmful microorganisms that may cause illness when consumed. This ensures you can have another great experience with your old shrooms.

Properly storing magic mushrooms.

The importance of controlling temperature, humidity, and light exposure.

When saving your shrooms for later, there are some important steps for proper storage to ensure they are still good for when you want to go on another trip!

It all comes down to this; controlling temperature, humidity, and light exposure are paramount when storing magic mushrooms.


This plays a significant role in the life cycle of mushrooms. If the temperature is too high, the spores can germinate prematurely, which may result in mould growth or other contaminants.

The recommended temperature range for storing magic mushrooms is between 35-45°F (2-7°C), with a relative humidity of 60-70%. These conditions will preserve the mushrooms’ freshness and potency for up to 6 months.

Light exposure

Protecting your magic mushrooms from direct light is essential, as light exposure can affect them significantly.

Using an airtight container or bag and storing mushrooms in a cool, dark place is recommended for optimal storage. In addition, adequate ventilation should be provided to prevent condensation and maintain dryness.


The ideal relative humidity for storing magic mushrooms is between 65% and 75%. It helps to prevent drying out, which can affect the potency of the mushrooms.

Prevent mould growth; including a humidity pack in your container is recommended. In addition, it’s essential to regularly inspect your mushrooms and discard any that appear discoloured, wilted, or emit a sour odour.

How to dry magic mushrooms for long-term storage

Drying is a commonly used preservation technique for magic mushrooms due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

The process prevents spoilage in mushrooms and increases the concentration of their active compounds, resulting in higher potency.

Drying mushrooms involves eliminating moisture through either air-drying or oven heating. Air-drying can be accomplished by laying out the mushrooms on a clean surface.

Step-by-step instructions for drying magic mushrooms

Dehydrator Method:

  1. Place your mushrooms on the dehydrator trays in a warm, dry location.
  2. Set the temperature of the dehydrator to between 95-105°F.
  3. Allow the mushrooms to dry for 6-8 hours or until they are brittle and easily breakable.
  4. Store the magic mushrooms by removing moisture and humidity.

The key to proper storage of magic mushrooms is reducing moisture and humidity in the environment where they are kept.

Air drying uses the same method, but instead of a dehydrator, you can use the sun or keep them out somewhere incredibly dry, in the open air, but covered from the light.

Alternative methods to store magic mushrooms

Other ways to store magic mushrooms, such as freezing or vacuum sealing.

While the most common way to store magic mushrooms is to keep them in a cool, dry place like a refrigerator, other options may provide better results.

One method of storing magic mushrooms is by freezing them.

Freezing: Freezing magic mushrooms is an effective way to store them for long periods.

The pros are that it helps preserve potency and protects the mushrooms from light and humidity exposure. The cons are that freezing destroys some active compounds, making them less potent when thawed.

Vacuum Sealing: Vacuum sealing is another method for storing magic mushrooms. The pros are that it helps protect the mushrooms from air and light exposure and helps preserve their potency. The cons of this method are that it can be challenging to find vacuum-sealed containers large enough to hold an entire batch of mushrooms, and some people may need access to a vacuum sealer.

Desiccant Packs: Desiccant packs are a great way to store magic mushrooms. They are small packets of absorbent material, such as silica gel, designed to absorb excess moisture from the surrounding environment. It helps to prevent mould and keep the mushrooms dry and safe for consumption.

Preserving Shrooms in Chocolate or Honey

This is not quite direct storage, but you can put your shrooms, directly or ground, into chocolate or honey. This will seal them from the air to ensure the active chemicals stay potent.

Unless you consume or preserve them, you won’t want to grind up your mushrooms. Ground shrooms have the most surface area and will spoil faster than whole shrooms properly stored.

How to tell if your magic mushrooms have gone bad

Can mushrooms go bad? They most certainly can, but proper storage can make them last longer. Moisture accumulation or prolonged exposure to light can lead to the degradation or spoilage of mushrooms.

Changes in colour, unpleasant odours, or the presence of mould can serve as indicators of contamination in magic mushrooms. Therefore, it is essential to be vigilant for any such signs.


The article explains how to store magic mushrooms for long-term freshness. Two main methods are discussed: freezing and vacuum sealing.

Freezing is reliable but may cause some loss of active compounds.

Vacuum sealing protects against light and humidity but may not work for more significant amounts.

Therefore, proper storage is vital for potency and safety. After harvesting, please keep them in a cool, dark, and dry place to preserve their active components and prevent contamination.

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